New Wood Floors
The first step of the process is to choose your wood flooring. There are several types of wood that can be used. They range from Clear Grade, 1st Grade, 2nd Grade to 3rd Grade and Rustic. Once you have chosen the type and grade of wood, we will contact our distributor and have your order filled.
The wood is delivered 2-3 days before the actual installation so that it can have a chance to acclimate to its surroundings. The sub floors are prepped for the installation. The wood flooring is installed across the floor joists. The wood flooring is then sanded.
Before any work is started, we prep the area for dust containment.
If the customer has requested a specific stain/color, we arrange for them to be on-site the first day of sanding. We will stain a small area for them and then get their written approval of the stain color. We will custom mix any color you need.
After the floors are installed they are sanded, then coated with a seal or stain and then finished with (3) coats of either an oil polyurethane or a water-base finish. We use the best commercial finishes available.
Duffy’s Hardwood floors is the floor-refinishing expert in Minnesota.
High traffic, moisture and heavy objects are just a few of the things that wreak havoc on wood floors.
Skill is needed to refinish wood floors properly. We follow all National Wood Flooring Association (NWFA) guidelines for the process.
Duffy’s skilled crews will come in and prep the areas as needed, sand with state-of-the-art equipment, eliminating as much dust as possible. They will then seal or stain and finish with 3 coats of oil polyurethane or a water-base finish.
Your floors will look brand new again!

Buff ‘N Coat*
Our crew will come in and lightly buff your flooring, vacuum 3-4 times, tack cloth 4-5 times and finally apply a coat of oil polyurethane or water-base finish.
A Buff ‘N Coat will remove minor scratches and give your floors that ‘new’ look again. We recommend that you Buff ‘N Coat your Duffy’s Hardwood Floor every 4 years.
*Duffy’s Hardwood Floors must have prior refinished your floors in order to Buff n Coat!
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Need new or refinished hardwood floors?